Sunday, May 18, 2008

Seeking and Telling the Truth...With A Smile

In getting my daily nourishment from reading One Cosmos, I was referred by the author to this piece by Roger Kimball. The part that struck me was this paragraph.
Conservatives are realists. They like to call things by their proper names. Like Oscar Wilde’s Cecily Cardew, they call a spade a spade, unless it is explicitly outlawed, just as they prefer to call “affirmative action” “discrimination according to race or sex,” taxation “government-mandated income redistribution,” and “Islamophobia” a piece of Orwellian Newspeak foisted upon an unsuspecting public by irresponsible “multiculturalists” colluding more or less openly with Islamofascists.

Do you have the gift of truth-telling? Calling things by what they actually are, rather than accepting the politically correct nomenclature? Do we possess the sense of humor that can deal with reality but still smile? Can we see through the whining of the left, and focus on the virtues that are permanent? It ain't easy sometimes.


  1. Aye, Bob! A good sense of humor (humour if you're British) (or Canadian) (or Australian) (well, you get the point) is critical when dealing with the PC crowd.

    They try so hard not to offend anyone, except for conservatives, of course.

    Good post, Bob!

  2. It only leaves bashing Christians and southerners to remain PC. Wonder if they have ever figured out that thank goodness Christians and southerners (and both) actually have a sense of humor about themselves.
