Saturday, May 17, 2008

A Gardening Weekend

Today was the first day of garden planting. I put in three small plots, and much more to come. I could not resist these two bougainvilleas to hang just outside our kitchen window on the front porch.

I know the economy is supposedly bad, but the crowds at the garden center were in the thousands, not hundreds. Few were looking at price tags. Everyone was just picking what they liked.


  1. Gorgeous flowers, Bob. Re. the economy, I've noticed the same thing. When I've been to stores and shopping malls lately, the crowds are huge, and they seem to be there for the same reason I am - to buy stuff, and not just the necessaries.

  2. We have this weird yard. One side is full of palm trees, lushish greenry, beautful flowers; one side kills anything I plant. Sigh. It looks odd.
