Thursday, April 10, 2008

On The Table

Pat Buchanan says that General Petraeus' testimony clearly pointed out that Iran is training terrorists and sending them into Iraq to foment terror. Has Petraeus asked the President for permission to attack these terrorist training areas in Iran? If so, what was the response of the President? If not, why has the general not asked permission to attack these people who are killing our soldiers?


  1. It's not all of Iran, but the qom militia of the radicals. Strategy Page describes Iran as run by a bunch of different groups, none of which control each other.

    Pushing too hard will only make the more radical get more support.

    Bush just needs to keep them off guard (i.e. afraid of invasion but not so much that they decide to go to war) while hitting back...I suspect lots of this is being done quietly...including money sanctions that hurt the Iranian economy and make the Mullahs unpopular.

    And Taheri in today's NYPost said they got creamed...and by the Iraqis, not the Yanks.LINK

  2. boinky,
    Thanks for the excellent comments.
