Friday, April 11, 2008

Betting Its Soul On Defeat

Austin Bay writes an excellent piece in the Washington Times about the testimony of General Petraeus. He points out that a complex chart prepared by Petraeus was ignored by the senators. Bay writes:
"But we all know why the complex chart gets ignored and successes are glasses half-empty: A presidential election campaign is on, and the Democratic Party has bet its soul on defeat.

"Hear no progress in Iraq, see no progress in Iraq, but most of all speak of no progress in Iraq." Thus Sen. Joe Lieberman, a member of the Armed Services Committee, deftly summed the last two years of Democratic Party posturing as well as the Democrats' talking points in the latest hearings.

Mr. Lieberman's maverick pal, Sen. and Republican presidential nominee John McCain, spoke more bluntly, "Congress should not choose to lose in Iraq, but we should choose to succeed."

1 comment:

  1. To the Democrats victory is defeat and and defeat is victory. That party needs to be outlawed.
