Wednesday, April 30, 2008

"He was not my spiritual mentor. He was pastor!"

At the One Cosmos blog yesterday Bob wrote about "The Soul of Obama and His Spiritual Housing Crisis," expounding on a theme involving Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright. In reference to the "Reverend" Wright, Gagdad Bob sumarizes:
More generally, I detest religious people who make religion look foolish or evil. There are few greater sins. Maybe none, for it is the one sin that negates all the others.

A commenter named mushroom agreed with Bob's comparison of BJ Clinton and Jeremiah Wright.
I agree with the parallel between Wright and BJ Clinton. These men are vampires that derive their false life from the adulation of gullible. The Bible calls them “false shepherds” leading the sheep astray for their own personal aggrandizement. Neither can endure the absence of attention or the thought that they are not “relevant”.

Another commenter there named James, who has lived in the Middle East, said
There is money to be made in dividing people and setting them against each other, or creating victim groups. The problem is other more important issues don't get addressed. Then Rome falls.

Another commenter named hoarhey proved prescient when he said
Since Obama wants the Presidency so badly, and since this issue won't go away and is like a millstone around his neck dragging him down, I'm looking for a facade of detachment from Wright without truly detaching. A sort of "wink wink" parting of the ways which will be initiated by a "disappointed" Wright. Look for the Wright bombast to hit a crescendo followed a mild repudiation from Obama.

Bob made the point that
There is so much truth and beauty in the black church, e.g., gospel music
You don't believe it? Listen to a person who had one of the most beautiful voices God ever graced onto a human being.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. It disgusts me that "real" news is being neglected and "real" religion is getting a bum rap. Glad to know others see the same thing.
