Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Just As You Did It Unto One of the Least of These, You Did It Unto Me

The Educated Shoprat links to an incredible story of the depths of evil to which we adults can descend. Our brave troops in Iraq came upon a government-run orphanage in which the adults were fattening themselves, while letting the children starve. Pictures of the orphans were taken on June 10, 2007. Why has the media not covered this story? Maybe because it puts our troops in a good light, the light of heroes, which is what they are?


  1. I am not surprised - old vipers have been inventing ways for eons to benefit from using the young. I wish we could emigrate all the children then level that hell hole.

  2. Thanks for the mention.

  3. It's gradually making it to the mainstream media now...but their saying, 'If Saddam had been charge, those orphans would have been in good health.'

    It's why I rarely look at tv or newspapers.

    -Mrs. Who

  4. (they're not their)

    -Mrs. Who
