Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Bright, Sunny Face!

Gallardia are very hardy for our hot, sunny, dry climate here in Colorado. These were growing wild in a field. I lost all my photos on my computer that crashed. Now I have to learn how to back them up.


  1. How I know about computers crashing and not having things backed up. Soon as I got to Boulder my hard drive died....anyway, got out my back up Apple and trying to relearn how to use it!

    Just went through Golden today after visiting a good friend in Evergreen and hiking up there. If you and Colleen are going to be in Boulder between today and Friday, would love to have a cup of coffee or a salad and meet you all. In all events, best wishes to you both and your family!

  2. Tomorrow at one p.m. our seven and five-year-old boys are going to be in a mini gymkana show. They have been in a horse-riding camp all week, and this is their graduation. Please come! From Boulder drive south on highway 93 to the big four-way stoplight intersection of highways 93 and 72. Turn left on 72 and go toward Arvada to Indiana. Turn south (right) on Indiana, and take it to 80th. Turn left on 80th, and go east. Shortly there will be a large high school on your left (Ralston Valley High School). The Wild West Ranch is on your right directly across the street from the high school. There are a bunch of trailers and cars in the parking lot, and a big field with lots of horses. Colleen and I will be easy to spot, because we will have three small children and two teens. I will have on a blue Colorado School of Mines baseball cap, and will be taking photos for the blog! The show is in the main arena next to the parking lot.

  3. So sorry I missed your reply, Bob, for I would have loved to try to make it over there yesterday.

    I have actually been rather busy here seeing friends and doing some computer stuff at the Apple store before leaving for Wyoming early Sunday morning.

    Maybe some other time. Please do let me know if you all will be in Jackson over the next two months.

    Your photos are stunning.

    Best wishes.
