Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Way It Is

This post by Fred Thompson is such a breath of fresh air to me. He has a real ability to communicate clearly. He asks us to consider how we would react if our citizens were daily bombarded by rocket attacks from Mexico into San Diego or from Canada into Buffalo. Would we respond as gingerly as Israel, whose country is being hit daily by rockets fired from Gaza? Then he goes on to point out that the stakes will change dramatically if the world allows Iran to go nuclear. We so desparately need a man in the White House who can communicate clearly and effectively.

Then, I pick up today's Denver Post and read the idiotic statements made by Colorado's Democratic Senator Ken Salazar, who the Post says is speaking from the "Middle East," but, of course, the Post does not say where in the Middle East. He is quoted as saying the "U.S. needs to support Palestine as much as it supports Israel. There has to be an equality of treatment there."

So, even if we had an effective communicator in the White House, we would still have jackasses like Salazar and the politically correct media who would support the Democrats no matter what.

1 comment:

  1. At this point I am going with Fred. The current group of Rs do not make me want to get involved. Yet.
