Thursday, May 31, 2007

Venezuela, Where We Are Watching Freedom Disappear

"Freedom is dying a little bit each day." "It's a little late to do much about it." "Some internet sites are now being blocked. We knew this would happen as well."
What is most bizarre to me...I check the USA news, and all I see is stuff about Lohan, Sheehan, Paris Hilton... is that really news worthy? Is that all people really care about? How about the 182 students arrested here for protesting? What about the minors who were yanked from their parents and detained here in Venezuela? What about the shooters roaming the streets?
These are some quotes from Jungle Mom as she posts today about what is happening in Venezuela. Please keep her in your prayers. Her blog is here


  1. What is truly disgusting is a couple of guys I work with who think that Chavez is the best thing to happen since Castro. And they said communism was dead.

  2. Thanks Bob! Need the prayers especially tonight.
