Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Should we enforce actual laws on the books re: monopolies?

Ace of Spades links to a Wired article. He headlines his story at AOS,
Shocker: Google Funding "Conservatives" Who Then Write Articles Defending Google, Which Are Then Cited by Google as Arguments Not to Regulate Google or Treat It as a Monopoly

...He explained that the "crush phase" of the public's attitude towards Monster Tech was over, and that people might start talking about enforcing the actual law that is on the books regarding monopolies, which is what Google undeniably is -- in case you didn't know, antitrust law does not apply only to true monopolies, where there is literally not a single competitor, but to near-monopolies, where the company has 85% or more dominance.

Google's market share of the search industry? 90%.
Read more here.

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