Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Comments on Google testimony

Zombie comments at Ace of Spades,
"Conservative" is now a meaningless label, applied equally to traitors and limousine socialists -- but never to actual conservatives.

Mikey NTH comments,
I mean, we all understand how Google has to make certain that conservatives are deplatformed, shadowbanned, have search results not show their work and so on. Because this is the free market in action, and if we write things that glorify our new paymaster those bad things will not befall us. So we join with Sauron - Google.

Really, it is the only choice

joe, living dangerously, commented,
Big business is "naturally conservative" the same way that Hispanic immigrants are.

It's a convenient fiction that gets told often enough that people believe it, but it hasn't been true for a long time. The top valued companies now are Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, and Samsung. One of those isn't even based in the US, and the other 4 are undeniably pro-leftist agendas.

Ace commented,
Let's say I agree that Google will become so thuggish in its censorship and INTERFERENCE WITH US ELECTIONS (just like RUSSIA!) that a competitor will eventually rise and become its equal.

What is the time scale we're talking about? 10 years? 20 years? NEVER?! (Some monopolies are too powerful and remain in place forever.)

Should we just wait for the magic of the self-correcting market for 20 or 30 years while we're censored, surveilled, and manipulated politically? After 30 years of Google stacking the deck for Democrats, what exactly would be left of America to conserve?
Read more here.

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