Saturday, September 29, 2018

Men Aren’t The Enemy

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

I do not usually cover what is essentially the same topic for two weeks in a row. But, I feel this is an important issue and somewhat of a crisis point for our country at this time. It needs to be addressed. Frequently and intensely. The time has come to take the gloves off when dealing with the hate-mongers of the Left. They are not only trying to destroy our country, they are willing to throw ALL of our men and boys under the bus as they are driving it off the cliff of sanity. I am telling you, in my opinion, these people, especially the women, are bat-turd crazy!!!

Misandry is defined as “dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against the male sex. In this time it has become a virulent societal disease which is running rampant and destroying lives through, among other measures, the use of lies as a means to bring down any and all men deemed a threat to anything the Femi-Nazis deem worthy. At the top of their list is the ever sacred cow of the Left: abortion . . . which is another tool they use to destroy males as many opt to abort perfectly healthy baby boys simply because they ARE baby boys.

This male-hatred has been on display in hyper-drive since Trump began his campaign for President. It actually managed to ramp up when he was elected President. And, as astonishing as it seems, the manic women of the Left have driven it to ever more hysterical heights because Brett Kavanaugh was nominated for the Supreme Court.

One of the issues that keeps coming up from feminists is how they are losing, or in danger of losing, their rights. Ummm . . . I don’t think so. Women are more than half the population of America at this point. So, if women are going to the polls and voting for politicians, laws, amendments, and such, in elections, they can make a difference to keep what they want and change what they will. At this point in time the feminists are doing more to try and take away rights from others. Among the rights they want to take away from males seems to be the right to free speech, equality, and even life.

In a variety of ways, including literally, they are telling men to “sit down and shut up.” They want men to be penalized in a myriad of ways for any success and kept from achieving success whenever possible. At least a small group of them even advocate for the abortion of ALL male fetuses.

The majority of today’s feminists also “unwelcome” women who do not believe everything current feminism supports. In the limited world of today’s feminism one can seemingly only be a part of the sisterhood if one welcomes abortion and hates men, to list their two main agenda items. Being a happily married wife and mother seems to slide one across the line into their “people it is okay to hate” zone. A woman like me is evidently just as bad as the dreaded man.

Phrases and mottos they use and advocate include: “men are trash”, “all men are potential rapists”, “rape culture”, “toxic masculinity”, and “man-hating”. These are considered, by feminism adherents, to be perfectly acceptable language, plus many more than are even more reprehensible.

Sorry not sorry, but I vehemently disagree! Men are not trash. Not all men are potential rapists. While rape does occur, it is not a cultural norm for America. There is nothing toxic about masculinity. Hating someone simply based on their gender is as reprehensible as hating someone based on their race.

Not only are these toxic feminists going after Conservative politicians, but they are targeting every one of our husbands, fathers, husbands, sons, grandsons, friends, and pretty much all men in general. They are just getting lots more publicity when it is President Trump or Judge Kavanaugh in their sights.

Another right that feminists wish to take away from men is the presumption of innocence. Although not explicitly mentioned in the US Constitution, “innocent until proven guilty” is considered to be covered by 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments. Even the United Nations considers “presumption of innocence” to be a universal human right. Feminists would have men considered automatically guilty in the case of an accusation of rape or sexual assault. No need for proof, witnesses, or even a trail. The man is just guilty ‘cause he is male and his accuser is female. This is just plain WRONG!

I am saddened to see the hostility aimed at the men in our society. I do not by any means think all men are perfect. There are bad men, just as there are bad women. But, to paint all men as evil just based on gender is truly wicked.

While he spoke on a slightly different topic, I still think Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr said it best, “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” In addition to race, I believe he would have wanted people to not be judged solely on their gender, but their character. I think that is only fair. Judge each according to their works. Do not assume, presume, or prejudge.

Another of my heroes gave an even greater piece of advice to guide our interactions with other people. In various scriptures in the New Testament Jesus told us, “love one another.” A really simple recipe. Basically one ingredient: love. Maybe we should give it a try.

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