Saturday, September 29, 2018

A charlatan

Conrad Black writes in National Review,
...Senators Collins, Corker, Flake, and Sasse seem to like Kavanaugh more than they dislike Trump, and on an issue where the Republican party is almost united, breaking ranks at this point, unless the Kavanaugh position is legitimately undermined, would be seen by everyone as malicious: acting out their hostility to the president at the expense of a distinguished judge fighting for his reputation against unworthy calumnies. Avenatti was a Rahm Emanuel political operative when a law student, went bankrupt as a lawyer, and appointed himself the counsel for Stormy Daniels. He was reduced to crowd-funding to try to pay for his self-publicizing tour as he tried to blackmail the president. There is no place for such a charlatan in the confirmation procedure of a nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Read more here.

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