Thursday, August 30, 2018

Sanders and Bezos butt heads

At Instapundit, Spen Green uses this headline to link to a story: THAT SEEMS A BIT HIGH: Amazon and Sanders Butt Heads as Senator Prepares 100 Percent Tax Bill. In the linked story at PJ Media, Bridget Johnson reports that Sanders accused Amazon founder Jeff Bezos of making in ten seconds what the average Amazon employee makes in a year!
Last week, (Bernie) Sanders sent out an email to supporters asking them to sign a petition that declares in part, "I don't believe that ordinary Americans should be subsidizing the wealthiest person in the world because you pay your employees inadequate wages."

By Friday, Sanders said he had collected more than 100,000 signatures and would introduce legislation in September "to demand that Mr. Bezos and other billionaires get off welfare and start paying their workers a living wage."

That bill would require companies to pay, in the form of a 100 percent tax, for any public assistance programs used by their lower-wage workers
Read more here.

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