Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jeff Sessions, Where are you?

Did you know that
When Justice Department official Bruce Ohr testified before the House Judiciary and Oversight committees on Tuesday, no actual Democrat congressmen or women showed up. They likely would claim it wasn't necessary. This was all old hat and there was no there there.

The opposite is true. There's plenty there -- to wit, the potential weaponization of the FBI, and by extension the Department of Justice, to prevent the presidency of Donald Trump and later to undermine it.

From whom do we learn this? From Roger L. Simon writing at PJ Media!
Whether you like Trump or not, if true, that's nothing short of sabotage of American democracy as we know it, the Sovietization of the prosecutorial wings of our legal system. But never mind. When party politics is involved, best to ignore it. What Ohr knows about who, what, where, why, when and how the nefarious Steele dossier was conceived and then promulgated -- to the FBI, media and even to the supposedly sacrosanct FISA court -- is, at least to those congressional Democrats, of no consequence.

But not to those of us who actually care about this country, not just holding onto power and/or upending the dreaded Donald by any means necessary, ends justifying means.

When we heard AG Jeff Sessions had appointed an FBI agent in relatively far away and therefore free of influence Utah, John Huber, to deal with this, we heaved the proverbial sigh of relief. Something was finally being done to investigate the possible misuse of our premier law enforcement agency that could result in actual prosecutions. Rumors were even circulating in certain conservative circles that Trump and Sessions were actually secretly in cahoots, that Trump's angry tweets at his former ally were a masquerade for the coming settling of accounts. All were finally to be treated equally under the law.

But that was way back in March and now we learn, via members of the committees, that Huber has not even bothered to interview the very Bruce Ohr -- the covert point man to Christopher Steele after the FBI officially severed its links to the British former spook for leaking to the press. Say what?

As of now, there has not been a peep out of Huber, no criminal charges thus far even for Andrew McCabe, whose indictment was recommended by the inspector general, not to mention a whole host of other FBI officials who appear to have lied to Congress and elsewhere, including James Comey, Peter Strzok and others less well known.

Jeff Sessions, where are you? What is going on? Do you want the FBI to remain an organization disdained and distrusted by literally half the country? What kind of prescription is that for our national health?

...Sessions recused himself early on from the Russia investigation. With twenty-twenty hindsight, he should have resigned completely at that point because an attorney general unable to oversee that politically-fraught investigation is not an attorney general at all. Hands tied, he is a bystander to the most significant and controversial issue in his department.

Not only has this turned Ron Rosenstein into a quasi-AG, a job to which he was not appointed, it has added to the already pervasive suspicion of the investigation and therefore of the Justicee Department in general. Beyond a house-cleaning of virtually all upper executive personnel, it's hard to see how this would ever be corrected.

Jeff Sessions should be the first to go. It would be good if he set an example and did this voluntarily.
Read more here.

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