Sunday, July 01, 2018

The Fragility of Order, The Death of Stalin, The three Foundation Stones of the western world

Did you know President Trump is meeting Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland on July 16? There's your proof, Mueller!

The New York Times warns its readers that with Kennedy gone, justice may have to be decided at the ballot box! You mean you have to convince people to vote for your ideas? What a concept! They thought they could rule by fiat through the court and regulatory agencies!

George Weigel is Andrew's guest. He says there are three foundations stones of the western world. One is Biblical religion. Human life is journey, adventure, pilgrimage; it's heading somewhere. We are all made in the image and likeness of God. The second leg of the stool is classical Greek, the belief in the capacity of reason to get at the truth of things. The third leg is the conviction that law, rather than brute force, is the superior way to organize society.

John Paul II ignited a revolution of conscience in the 1980s: living in the truth, living for freedom. The revolution of 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe.

Weigel wishes Trump would appeal more to nobility rather than to some very primal fears.

Weigel is Catholic. He believes the Catholic Church is dying in western Europe. He has written a book entitled The Fragility of Order.

Andrew recommends a movie entitled the Death of Stalin. He plays a clip. It is about what happens when Stalin dies. It is "horrifically comic."

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