Sunday, July 01, 2018

Do you hate and despise Trump? Why then, you are virtue itself and a vessel of perfect probity.

Glenn Reynolds writes at Instapundit,
One of the things that anti-Trumpers hate most is that voters don’t see much difference between them and Trump — and then they proceed to prove the voters right.
Glenn links to an article by Rex Murphy in Canada's National Post. Murphy writes,
...Any statement about Trump, so long as it is in any way condemnatory, dismissive, insulting or condescending, requires neither proof, consistency, logic or (and especially) decency.

...Hatred of The Donald is the ultimate pass to be as vicious and crude as anyone could wish and still have a guaranteed place in heaven. ...Hatred of Trump frees the mind from all obligation to moderation, custom, or articulate argument...It is a chief glory of being “anti-Trump” that having adopted that position as a surrogate for thought, one is, by equally demented analogy, free to write and say the first ripe idiocy that springs to mind, however crude and misplaced.

And so it goes. Even the 20-million-a picture-boys, mainstays of the sexual cesspool of high Hollywood, “secret-sharers” of all its many depravities and predations, who for years rubbed shoulders and god knows what else with Harvey Weinstein or shared the table and god knows what else with Charlie Rose, are liberated to declaim against The Donald. It cleanses them … “Come now ….Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”

...Do you hate and despise Trump? Why then, you are virtue itself and a vessel of perfect probity.
Read more here.

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