Friday, June 01, 2018

"This is the verdict!" Tommy Robinson, a man of immense courage, is arrested, charged, convicted, sent to prison in five minutes!

"Cheers Mate!" That is how Tommy Robinson greets people on the street. In the video at the bottom of this post, he is doing the live stream that caused him to be arrested, tried, and convicted and sent to prison, where he is hugely at risk of being killed by Muslim inmates, in less than five minutes!

It begins with him attempting to talk to four of the alleged rapists as they enter the courthouse in Leeds. One of them told him to "fuck your mother." "It doesn't seem like anyone has much guilt. It doesn't seem like anyone is ashamed." Ten men were facing verdicts that day of rape, trafficking, child abduction, supplying drugs, making threats to kill, inciting a child into sexual activity, false imprisonment, inciting children to engage in sexual activity, possession of extreme pornography...Of the hundreds of victims, eighteen came forward, some as young as eleven-years-old. 29 people are on trial.

Tommy gets interrupted by a man who puts his arm around Tommy, who asks him what he thinks about the rapists. He answers, "That's not my concern!" He points his finger at Tommy and tells him it is not his (Tommy's) concern. Tommy turns to the camera as the man walks away and tells the camera, "That is the problem! "It's not my concern, it's not your concern!" The man asked Tommy, "What's it got to do with you? "I'm an Englishman, and the victims here are English girls! It's got everything to do with me!"

Tommy is careful to stay off the property of the court and talks about his suspended sentence and how he could be sent back to prison if he got on the court property while live streaming.

The trial has been split into three sections. Part one has been concluded, awaiting verdicts. Part two is this one in which the jury are making their verdict now. Part three starts in September. The young children have to sit and watch for a year! In each town and city they are picking out one group to try, but there are hundreds, says Tommy. He plans to sit in the court when the jury reads the verdict. He is not allowed to report the verdicts or the interactions in the court, but he will "keep the footage!"

No fan of the cowardly media, Tommy refers to them as "presstitutes." He notes that there is no media covering this trial. Names of the girls' families were posted online by the media! "It is all part of the operation of the far Left to silence people!

Common denominator? 30% of the accused men are named Mohammed! If you mention that fact, you are a bigot and fascist! Rotherham is the town where 1400 girls were raped by Muslim "grooming gangs." A Muslim man walks by and he and Tommy exchange friendly greetings. Tommy then goes on to explain that this is not about individual Muslims but about Islam and those who adhere to its teachings.

Tommy realizes he is "walking a thin line," because he is on suspended sentence to prevent him from reporting on these rape trials.

A man comes up and asks if he can take Tommy's photo. Tommy thinks he wants a picture with him and Tommy, but the man immediately hides his face in fear.

More police arrive "because they think I am going to be hostile."

When the rapists are convicted (in previous cases) their wives and families come out of the courtrooms screaming how the victims are "slags."

Another man on trial comes walking by Tommy and says to Tommy, "Your wife is a prostitute!" A Muslim man drives by a woman bystander and swings his hand across his throat, warning her that this is what he will do to her.

More and more people come by to take selfies with Tommy, who is unfailingly polite and gracious.

Tommy explains how the Sikh community has organized to protect their daughters from the jihadi Muslims.

Boko Haram's leader says Mohammed commands his followers to take non-Muslim women as sex slaves.

The judge looks out the window at Tommy.

Then, he is arrested, tried, found guilty, and sent to prison within five minutes.

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