Friday, June 01, 2018


Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

It seems to me that one more time, in various suggested ways, different levels of our government are planning on infringing (one more time) upon our freedom as Americans to exercise our Second Amendment right to bear arms. We already have too many laws and restrictions that merely hamper law-abiding citizens and do nothing to deter those who would do harm.

It is all being done in a wave of emotion following the mass shootings that have occurred recently. Particularly in response to those shootings which have taken place in schools. But, I am not sure it is being sufficiently thought through. Seems more like somewhat panicked emotional responses to what are undoubtedly horrible events. But, acting rashly seldom fixes a problem. Such acts usually have unintended consequences and merely exacerbate the problem.

One “plan” being floated here in Texas could possibly mean that legally licensed and armed citizens would have to live in fear of somehow being caught in a hidden aspect of the law if the convoluted “plan” was implemented. There are already laws covering carry, storage, age limits, weapons types, and licensing. In other words, pretty much anything and everything that is done illegally when a shooter goes into a school, church, or some other public venue. Criminals and those who would do harm do not follow the rules. They find ways to go around the rules and restrictions. More rules and restrictions only hurt the citizens who legally and lawfully own guns.

We simply do not need more laws. As I already stated, we have laws that cover pert near any and every aspect of owning, selling, buying, using, carrying, and storing a weapon. I cannot think of one aspect of life with a firearm that does not seem to have one or more laws attached. What we do need is a way to have these laws enforced. And, we also need those who are in favor of gun control to realize once and for all that CRIMINALS do not obey laws, so none of these laws will affect their behaviors!

If citizens are unable to easily carry and access their loaded weapons, what good are the guns for protection? Do celebrities, politicians, banks, and other guarded entities expect their armed security teams to keep all weapons unloaded whenever in the vicinity of groups including children under the age of 18? Or, do they expect no one to have guns except the military and police? Are politicians, celebrities, banks, jewelry stores, and other currently weapon guarded entities willing to take their chances being protected only by being able to phone 911, like the anti-gun crowd seems to think will work for all the rest of us?

I am sad to see even formerly Second Amendment supporting politicians allowing themselves to be led further off the path of Constitutional liberty. If they truly want to keep our children safe, stop making schools “Gun Free Zone” soft targets. Allow our children to be protected by armed good guys ... just like the banks, the jewelry stores, the celebrities, and the politicians.

What part of “shall not be infringed” do these gun-control advocates not get???

Follow Suzann at WoolyMammoth.Org

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