Thursday, March 01, 2018

"They hate you!"

At Town Hall, Kurt Schlichter writes,
...Understand that the left doesn’t hate the NRA. The NRA stuff is a distraction. Leftists are dumb, but they understand the power of the NRA is really the power of millions of Normal Americans coming together to defend their right to protect themselves, their families, their communities and their Constitution. That’s why they fear it. That’s why they can’t abide it. They want your voices silenced.

And the left doesn’t hate guns either. In fact, the progressives fully intend to be the only group left with any guns. That should turn out great for us.

At best, the government that they promise will protect us will make excuses why they can’t see red flags waving and why they can’t be expected to actually protect us. Liberals have just come out foursquare in favor of police cowardice; their argument is you don’t need guns to protect yourself, and you certainly can’t expect a Democrat-run law enforcement agency like the Broward Sheriff’s Office to protect you because that would be scary to the poor government workers. Where does that leave you? You can’t protect yourself, and in return, no one from the government will protect you either.

...So what do you do?

You understand and accept the truth, which many allegedly on our side refuse to do because the truth is too harsh and painful. America is divided not between groups with differing political views held in good faith, but between Normals and a left that hates us. That’s not a pleasant notion, but to pretend that this is business as usual, that we are just friends with a slight disagreement, or that there is some reasonable compromise to be had, is delusional.

Ask them. They hate you. And we must act accordingly.

The first step is the political battle. Wake up – the midterms are coming and we need to ensure that these people do not gain the power to undercut our rights. At CPAC, President Trump demonstrated that his competitive nature is in full effect – he intends on winning. We need to do the same. Volunteer. Donate. Activate. Yeah, it’s a hassle. We’d all like a pause to this constant cold warfare. That is not happening.

The second step is the cultural battle. The left is intent on mobilizing the corporations that form the infrastructure of society against us. We need to respond with our own political power, and that means casting off the tired shackles of an ideology that assumes we are in a pure free market scenario. “Free market solutions” don’t apply where companies instead act based on political ideology when choosing to exercise political power; how, exactly, do we respond to a company that acts against us but decides it doesn’t care about the market consequences? Well, we can’t – unless we use our own political power. Georgia refusing to give Delta a tax break – which it should not have gotten in the first place – is the template. If they want to declare a cultural war on us, let’s give them one. It’s not how you or I want it to be, but it is how it is. Maybe pain will motivate them to re-adopt the old rules. Surrender sure won’t.

The third step is to create deterrent facts on the ground. Demonstrate your commitment to your rights by joining the NRA and, further, by buying guns and ammunition. Tyranny is not out of the question – hey, aren’t they always calling Trump Hitler? Tens, even hundreds of millions of armed American Normals provide a deterrent to the kind of insanity we’ve seen the left hinting at. Be prepared to protect the Constitution, and the chances of them getting violent will diminish exponentially. Remember, they don’t want to fight; they prefer we give up under a barrage of hectoring from CNN and vicious tweets about how we hate children.
Read more here.

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