Thursday, March 01, 2018

The best approach to ameliorating inequality is to strengthen the individual.

Do you know about the controversy in Canada that propelled Jordan Peterson into the limelight? Canada mandated the content of voluntary speech!

Can religion and science be unifiable?

Peterson: Biblical accounts are mythological stories about how it is that people should act. There were no scientists until 500 years ago. So, obviously, the people who wrote Genesis were not scientists.

Consciousness. It is a burden. What are you going to do? Become unconscious by drowning yourself in alcohol? or, will you become even more conscious? Stop avoiding the terrible things that are in front of you. Voluntary confrontation with what you are afraid of, or what you despise!

Russell Brand: Leftist politics have abandoned the working class. He feels committed to assisting "the vulnerable." He cites the gospels of Christ and their emphasis on kindness and love. Peterson cites the Sermon on the mount: aim at the highest good you can imagine, the best possible outcome. Truth, love and attention allied together. Orient toward truth and responsibility and away from political ideology.

What drives inequality? Jordan: Left-wing approaches have failed miserably. Russell: but we're not starting with a level playing field! Jordan: The solution to the problem of inequality is not sociological; it is psychological. Sociological explanations bring the temptations of engaging in resentment and destruction. Hatred gets the upper hand in sociological movements. The best approach to ameliorating inequality is to strengthen the individual. Don't recommend any changes that you wouldn't suffer for if they failed! Christian compassion: useful and generous!

Russell: become a servant of good. Spread love. Kindness and compassion. Be alert to where I can be of most use. Russell implies that anger and rage were the motives for why people voted for Trump.

Did you know that the YouTube audience is 80% men? Jordan: "The people who are the enemies of the masculine in men are also the enemies of the masculine in women.

Jung: The Trinity is missing a place for the divine feminine. The Trinity is missing a quartile. Sometimes the quartile is filled by the figure of the devil and sometimes it is filled by the figure of a woman.

Jordan: Do the least amount possible for your children (that does not mean it is okay to neglect them).

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