Friday, February 02, 2018

He is an American President!

my latest WoolyMammoth.Org essay

by Suzann Darnall

For the first time in nearly a decade I watched an entire State of the Union Address and felt pride in my president. President Donald J. Trump is not just the President of the United States of America, he really and truly is an American president. He actually loves America and seemingly likes American citizens, too. What a difference an election can make.

Other than the scowling, pouting faces of the Democrats, I felt like the State of the Union broadcast was a positive message for all Americans. It was not just a bunch of hype, it was about real events and real people. With his actions, his hopes, and his guests, President Trump wove a tapestry of how he is striving to make America great again. He reminded us all that the American dream can be alive and well, so long as we protect America and Americans.

He is striving to keep his campaign promises. He is also working to move forward with more of the promises, as well as other actions that will improve life in America for her citizens. While he is willing to work with those who oppose him, he is seemingly not willing to break his promises to voters, compromise American values, or put America at risk. I just wish the opposition party would figure out that he is working to improve life for ALL Americans and not keep playing their games of dividing Americans with deceit.

I felt the messages were clear about who is really working for ALL Americans when President Trump listed a number of positive changes that the Democrats refused to acknowledge. The Democrats apparently do not care about improved employment numbers, American Military Veterans, our National Anthem, sick patients, fair trade, our infrastructure, protecting American citizens from illegal gangs, babies, and oh so many other things. They just seem to be so consumed with their own hatred for President Trump, America, and most American citizens, that they have become unable to function beyond spewing their venom and showing their disdain.

But, I do not want to focus on the negative. I want to revel in the positive! I want to tell everyone that I feel good about our chances of seeing life get better over the next few years. I know it is not going to be easy ‘cause the Democrats, RINOs, and others will fight President Trump every step of the way. But, I also have seen in this past year just how determined Donald Trump can be when he wants something. And, he definitely wants to Make America Great Again!

I personally think he has already made it a lot better than it has been and I thank him for his service. I also support him in his future efforts. I like that he likes us and he loves our country. Isn’t it nice when our president is actually pulling for America? God bless America and God bless Donald Trump. Who, by the way, is not ashamed to mention God. How cool is that???

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