Friday, February 02, 2018

"Crack in the door"

At The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance explains, it is worthwhile remembering this is the beginning of exposing the corruption within the DOJ not the end.

For several years the U.S. justice department has maintained an attitude of non-accountability within its ranks. The Obama years elevated that attitude and provided multiple examples of a DOJ gone rogue.

A complicit media enables that attitude by engineering a false narrative the U.S. Justice Department was/is an independent fourth branch of government; unaccountable to congress and entirely separate from the executive branch.

The House Intelligence Memo is simply using the example of currently known FISA abuse to open the door and show the U.S. electorate how corrupt this unaccountable institution has become. Behind that door are very uncomfortable realities for all of those who constructed the weaponized agency; and also those who have benefited from it.

...The House Intelligence Committee, Chairman Devin Nunes, has oversight over the entire intelligence apparatus, including DOJ/FBI counterintelligence and the FISA Courts. The House Judiciary Committee, Chairman Bob Goodlatte, has statutory oversight over the entire Department of Justice. The Senate Judiciary Committee, Chairman Chuck Grassley, has oversight over the federal court processes used by the U.S. Department of Justice. The Office of Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, is the internal DOJ watchdog.

...So the bottom line is this: if, in 2016, the DOJ and FBI used an unverified, Clinton/DNC paid-for dossier to spy on American citizens (and political opponents) in the Trump campaign, that is as wrong as it gets. If that happened, Americans deserve to know about it. Period.

The release of the House Intelligence Memo is only the tip of the iceberg; the crack in the door to see just how corrupt the unaccountable Justice System became.

There are going to be many more revelations as the investigations into the FBI and DOJ continue. Combine that understanding with the pending OIG Horowitz report, and we have only just begun to see how bad this is…

The key aspect to begin restoring a system when it has fallen into the clutches of corruption, is to remove their internal image of unaccountability. The DOJ and FBI are part of the Executive Branch and they are accountable to congressional oversight. We need to constantly remind people of that, and push back against this insufferable media-generated narrative of the DOJ being an independent fourth branch of government.
Read more here.

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