Sunday, October 01, 2017

SOBs, North Korea, women who voted for Trump, Hugh Hefner, Reality Winner, Dana's new show

Tyrus felt personally disrespected when President Trump told Alabamans that the players in the NFL who were refusing to stand for the national anthem were "son of a bitches that need to be fired."

Kat Timpf asked, "How did Tom Price not think he was going to get caught? It's not like buying a donut on the company card!"

There are a few things President Trump does when no one is looking, remarks Greg. Like getting China to pressure North Korea, the economy growing at its fastest rate in two years, unemployment shrinking, a new tax plan. However, you don't really see people giving him credit, Kimberley points out.

Tyrus believes that when the sanctions really kick in, the North Koreans are going to change the regime from within.

Michelle Obama scolded women who voted for Trump. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has trouble understanding the word "decisive." Kat said, "If you're going to be a feminist, you should say that a woman can vote for whomever they want!"

"Hugh Hefner made the bathroom fun," said Tyrus! After that comment, Greg quickly went to a commercial!

The lesson to be learned from Reality Winner? Don't put anything but your foot and leg in your pantyhose!

Dana has a new show on Fox beginning tomorrow at 2 p.m. eastern time.

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