Thursday, September 28, 2017

RedPillBlack, Hugh Hefner, Tax reform

Andrew plays a clip of Hugh Hefner on Firing Line with William F. Buckley. Hefner brags about "the new morality." Hugh said there had never been a code regarding premarital sex, except, "Thou shalt not? Buckley retorts, "That's a code, isn't it?"

Andrew said when he was thirteen-years-old (in the 60s) everybody assumed we would be virgins when we got married. By the time we were fifteen, we were all sleeping with each other! What was the main reason for this rapid change? Birth control! The death of Hugh Hefner this week is what spurred this discussion.

Though Andrew lives and advocates a conservative life, he always wants to err on the side of freedom. But, "just because you have the freedom, the right, doesn't mean it is right." Andrew prefers to advocate chastity with joy, rather than promiscuity with condemnation.

At about the 22 minute mark in the video Andrew has a guest named Candace Owens. She is brilliant and her story is compelling. Her website is RedPillBlack. Milo , Ben Shapiro and others are speaking on college campuses, when invited by conservative groups. Candace wants to speak to Blacks and liberals. Andrew said "If Black people wake up to what the Democrat Party has done to them, the party will vanish!

Donald Trump wants to "cut taxes for the middle class, make the tax code simpler and fairer for everyday Americans, and bring back the jobs and wealth that left our country."

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