Thursday, September 28, 2017

He saw the writing on the wall

Kurt Schlichter writes at Town Hall today,
We tried being nice; that was the Tea Party, and the Establishment trashed it. Welcome to moderately mean.

Don’t make us get even meaner.

...So the base went with Roy Moore, who is super-colorful in a potentially Todd Akin kind of way because Roy Moore constitutes a giant middle finger to the crowd that failed to summon up the cajones to repeal Obamacare yet found endless investigations of RUSSIA! TREASON! OK, IT’S JUST SOME ADS ON FACEBOOK BUT WE’RE STILL GOING WITH TREASON! and amnesty for middle-aged Dreamers muy simpatico.

You almost feel sorry for Mitch because he’s dealing with sanctimonious crones like Susan Collins and liars like John McCain, but then you realize that the only way he manifests his frustration at their slimy duplicity is with that pursed-lip tortoise frown of his. Do the RINOs face any consequences for defying him? Does Mitch ever play hardball with them? Who’s afraid of him? No one. They laugh at him, and he chooses to do nothing. Okay, that’s fine. If he won’t lay down the iron discipline on his apostates, we’ll just burn the heretics ourselves.

...Did Bob Corker, the noted Iran Agreement enabler, ditch his safe Tennessee Senate seat because he needed to spend more time with his family? Was it because he believes in only serving two terms? Perhaps Chet the Unicorn recommended it? No, he saw the writing on the wall.

...Are you listening? GOP, can you hear us normals now?

See, we’re serious. The ritual sacrifice of Eric Cantor was not a fluke. The election of Donald Trump was not a fluke. None of this is a fluke. We really mean it. We want change. And if you won’t give it to us, we’ll fire you and elect someone who will.

Primarying incumbents is a high-stakes play, but hey – it’s only our country that’s at stake. We face an enemy that hates us, that wants us suppressed and silenced, that will do everything it can to take our First, Second, and every other Amendment’s rights from us and condemn us to a future of baking liberals’ cakes and fearing that we might be jailed for using the wrong pronoun. There’s a real threat to the United States continuing as we know it. We see it. Do you? If you Republicans are too weak and cowardly to fight, then we lose it all, and we know it. We’re woke – ask one of your Millennial interns what that means.

...Strange, Corker, and Dent are just the beginning – if this isn’t the end of your long streak o’ losing. Sure, our strategy may backfire, but what have we got to lose? If we aren’t going to get what we want, you aren’t either. Maybe that’s sub-optimal game theory, but then this isn’t a game – not for those of us who will bear the consequences of your failures. And if moderately mean doesn’t work, we’ll take it up a notch. We have nothing to lose.

GOP, can you hear us normals now?

1 comment:

  1. Trump's election was the biggest middle finger in recorded history. And this is in the same vein.

    Good. Our masters in the elite must be made to know we've had it.
