Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Planned Parenthood's baby-killing operations

Alexandra DeSanctis reports at National Review,
It has been one year since the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released its first undercover video, revealing compelling evidence that Planned Parenthood has been illegally selling the body parts of aborted babies to the fetal-tissue industry.

In January, President Obama vetoed a bill that would have forbidden taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood. But the House Select Investigative Panel — formed last October in response to CMP’s videos — has been conducting extensive investigations into the organization’s practices. Yesterday, the panel released an interim report confirming, with extensive evidence, the CMP video footage, and finding that Planned Parenthood and its affiliates have broken several federal laws — including the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993, a federal statute prohibiting the acquisition, reception, or transfer of fetal tissue for monetary considerations. The panel report provides nearly incontrovertible proof that the organization consistently engaged in this very type of fetal-tissue trafficking.

From the panel’s report: Furthermore, in 2010, affiliates were asked to ensure that at least one of their clinics perform abortions. According to a Planned Parenthood fact sheet, for every adoption referral they make, they perform about 340 abortions.

The panel also discovered evidence that Planned Parenthood outfits across the country committed Medicaid fraud, filing claims under the umbrella term “family planning services,” which was frequently used to cover abortion.
Read more here.

Planned Parenthood is teaching a "Reproductive Science" class all week in our daughter's 8th-grade science class. Our daughter opted out. She wants to read this article to the class.

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