Wednesday, September 20, 2017

It's a conspiracy!

Prosecutors: Anthony Weiner Should Spend Two Years in Prison

That'll keep him from masturbating, I figure.

From the New York Post: Weiner knew damn well she was a minor.

Legal papers filed ahead of Weiner’s sentencing next week say the serial sexter took part in three video chat sessions via Skype during which the girl "made clear that she was not just a minor -- she was, in fact, only ​​15 years old."
"That did not stop Weiner," the feds wrote.

And Rachel Maddow created a conspiracy theory claiming that all of this crap -- the initial disclosure of the sexts, back in 2011 -- was a forgery by right-wingers. And, by the way, her conspiracy theory resulted in many innocent people, including myself, getting targeted by harassers, stalkers, and death-threat anonymous emailers.

She's never paid a price for that -- she's never even been asked about it by any of her media buddies who claim to be so opposed to conspiracy theories and the downstream damage they may cause.

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