Tuesday, July 25, 2017

"Yes, but!"

Mark Steyn opens up the mail bag today. Not surprisingly, the questions are all about demography. Mark for years has emphasized the importance of demographics.

One person asked him about moderate Muslims. Mark said we have been in pursuit of moderate Muslims since 9-11. Moderate Muslims have fertility rates similar to Europeans. Sharia Orthodox Muslims have much higher fertility rates.

In 1923 there were 14 million Turks living in secular Turkey. Today in Erdogan's Sharia Islam Turkey there are 80 million!

58% of British Pakistanis are married to their first cousin. Because of self-segregation 75% of Bradford, England Pakistanis are married to their first cousin! No assimilation.

Mark says, "A diminished fertility rate is a structural defect that cannot be corrected through immigration."

In 1860 the populations of France and Germany were almost the same. 50 years later Germany had 25 million more people than France.

His prediction for Sweden? Bicultural societies are inherently unstable. Sharia is the ascendant culture in Sweden.

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