Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Sessions, Tillerson, Gowdy, Kushner, Trump

McCain returns to the Senate to help the Republicans get a one vote majority in today's health care vote.

Trey Gowdy says Jeff Sessions doesn't work for the president. He works for the blindfolded woman holding a set of scales! He further characterized today's hearing in his committee as the Democrats cramming five minutes of questioning into 3 hours of questioning. Gowdy gave thumbs up to Jared Kushner's answers.

The US Navy fired warning shots at an Iranian vessel.

Trump is really unhappy with Jeff Sessions, who was one of the first politicians to support him. Trump questions even that, saying that Sessions saw 40,000 Alabamans showing up for a Trump rally, then jumped on the Trump train.

Tillerson is also taking a few days off at State, after some Trump criticism.

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