Saturday, July 22, 2017

Too many cooks in the kitchen, we are governed mostly by unelected bureaucrats, the Russian meal ticket, an obsession with white women

Sean Spicer says he resigned when Scaramucci was hired because he wanted to avoid a situation in which there might have been "too many cooks in the kitchen."

Former Bush speechwriter Ned Ryun believes we are mostly being governed by the unelected bureaucrats. Leaking classified information on Americans is punishable by ten years in prison. Convict five or six of these deep state bureaucrats, and maybe the leaks will slow down!

Both the Democrats and the media believe staying on the Russian thing is their meal ticket.

One of my favorite pundits is Jason Whitlock, who usually reports on sports. He was on the show responding to a New York Times reporter named Greg Howard, a black man who has a private and a public view of white women. Privately he lusts after white women. Publicly he complains about the fact that they will not get out of his way when he is walking on New York streets. Jason analyzes the psychology of the man's obsession with white women.

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