Saturday, July 22, 2017

Having a protest on live national t.v.

Jesse Watters thinks we are going back to Trump-The-Campaigner. Juan Williams thinks the Scaramucci appointment signals that the Trump team is going to do battle with special Counsel Mueller.

Do you want to get praised to the heavens? Be a Police Chief in Minneapolis who has just tendered your resignation to the Mayor. But then, a man in a crowd of protesters starts yelling at the Mayor! He is not satisfied with just the resignation of the police chief; he and fellow protesters want the mayor to go, too! To back up his persuasive appeal, he wears a shirt that exclaims, "I AM A MAN!" The protesters also claim to be "TAXPAYERS!" They refer to themselves as activists and organizers fighting for their freedom!

One of the Five, a Democratic consultant named Chris, notes that there is a process for redress. It is called holding elections, and he wonders how many of the protesters actually vote.

For many days, the police department said nothing about the shooting of the pajama-clad woman who called 911.

Jesse Watters notices that most of the successful people in the Trump administration have business, rather than political backgrounds.

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