Friday, July 21, 2017

"Sociopathic, narcissistic side of him," sleeping in the library

On Special Report tonight OJ Simpson's 2008 defense attorney, Yale Galanter, was asked if thought OJ would follow the advice of his attorneys upon his release from prison. His answer surprised me, coming from a former defense attorney: "His sociopathic, narcissistic side of him will probably not let him follow my advice or the advice of his current attorneys." He gets to keep receiving $25,000 a month from the NFL, and he lost a $33.5 million civil suit filed against him by the families of Nicole and Ron. Do you think they will ever see a penny of that?+

Also on tonight's show there is a report on Denver homelessness, which is up 13% from last year. Rents are high, and people are coming there because of legalized recreational marijuana. There are shelters, but they have rules: no drugs or alcohol, and leave your belongings outside. Many homeless people are sleeping in the Denver library.

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