Friday, July 21, 2017

Scaramucci, Mueller

Yesterday in discussing the case of the baby named Charlie Gard, Rush Limbaugh emphasized that America's health care is the best in the world. Millennials have been told that Cuba's is better! Rush admits that "the federal government gums it up by trying to regulate it, price it, make cozy deals with insurance companies."

Rush also raised a question: why are Republicans not scared that voters will remove them from office for failing to repeal and replace Obamacare? The answer: they are not scared of the voters. They are scared of losing financial support from donors and lobbyists, who are calling the shots on healthcare reform legislation.

Today Rush focussed some time on the appointment of Scaramucci as White House Communications Director. Where have we heard of Scaramucci? CNN had to fire three reporters after they ran a fake story about him being connected to Russia. They retracted the story when he threatened to sue.

Most of Rush's show today talked about the Mueller investigation. Rumor is that the Mueller team is looking at details of Trump's career before he ran for president. There is no crime. The Mueller team is wandering far and wide, with no parameters. Next they will be gunning for Trump's tax returns. They will be leaking all along the way to 2020. Trump's choice will be either to fire Mueller or pardon all of his friends and family, and maybe even himself! If he shuts it down, his voters will applaud. They elected him to fight back against the Left.

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