Thursday, July 20, 2017

"Playing conservative at home and bipartisan trough hog back in DC."

Kurt Schlichter writes at Town Hall,
...We still have about a dozen or so liars who played conservative at home and bipartisan trough hog back in DC. And they need to be kicked to the curb.

This crisis is not of The Donald’s making; this is a failure of insiders, not of outsiders. The tunnel vision Never Trumpers can’t put this repeal treachery on Trump, though they’ll try. To them, everything is Trump’s fault – their irrelevance, their dandruff, their inability to perform as men. No, this was a betrayal of real conservatives by alleged conservatives in good standing, big talkers about liberty and free enterprise who were happy to take our votes but even happier to burrow into the Washington scene and suck it dry like the ticks they are.
Read more here.

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