Friday, July 21, 2017

BFF, conflict-free life, because he is a flawless sociopath.

The first 12 minutes of Tucker's show last night covered the parole hearing of OJ Simpson. OJ is a flawless sociopath. He has led a "conflict-free life," no matter how many times Nicole was beaten by him. When you beat up a woman, and you are a pro football player, that is not really conflict, because it is so easy to beat her up. When you cut off her head and leave her for her children to see the next morning, that is not conflict. The biggest fool of all is OJ's "BFF," Jeffrey Felix, who wrote a book about OJ being a model prisoner, albeit one who was so well endowed that an entire chapter had to be devoted to it. Maybe you need to better define your criteria for whom you decide to make your BFF in the future, Mr. Felix.

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