Friday, September 30, 2016

She was a "paragon of virtue"

doing a lot of tweeting about the Venezuelan woman who won his Miss Universe contest, then gained a lot of weight. Here are some of his tweets:
Wow, Crooked Hillary was duped and used by my worst Miss U. Hillary floated her as an “angel” without checking her past, which is terrible!


Using Alicia M in the debate as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT! Hillary was set up by a con.


Did Crooked Hillary help disgusting (check out sex tape and past) Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in the debate?

Chateau Heartiste has more:
By the way, if anyone’s seen the old video of Trump holding a press conference with Machado, you can’t help but notice how gentlemanly Trump treats her. As an MPCer put it:

Let me explain this for anyone who still doesn’t understand

* Hogo Chavez (or whatever her name is) became Miss Universe.

* This basically means you have to sign a one year contract with the Miss Universe Organisation (a subsidiary of the Trump Organisation) doing PR and promo work in exchange for money.

* There are RULES, for example there’s a legally defined amount of weight you’re allowed to put on.

* Hogo Chavez far exceeded this limit, she was about 50 kilos and she became medically obese by gaining 20 kilos in a matter of months; I have no idea how people could get fat so quickly but it probably involved eating large amounts of raw sugar.

* Rather than terminate the contract and make the runner-up Miss Universe; Donald Trump gave Hogo Chavez an opportunity to work off the weight and make things right again, she seemed thankful for this opportunity.

* She squandered Trump’s generosity by gaining another ten kilos, he still didn’t fire her.

* Hogo Chavez returned to Venezuela and was “allegedly” the getaway driver in a murder, she threatened to murder a judge and she cheated on her husband with a drug lord; becoming pregnant in the process. She then flew to Spain and appeared on some reality TV show where she had sex with another contestant, a video of this sexual encounter is available on the internet. She also did topless nudes in a studio shoot if anyone wants them (PM me).

* She then gazed upon the radiant light of Hillary Clinton and announced I’M WITH HER!
Read more here.

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