Friday, September 30, 2016

MeAgain Kelly lists the rules of feminist privilege

Ace of Spades writes today about an example of
Only Girls are Protected By the Bizarre Rules of Feminist Privilege.

So MeAgain Kelly's rule is that Trump can't talk about a woman's weight, but MeAgain can snipe "Oh by the way, Trump's fat."

And of course then dissemble about why she didn't ask about highly relevant allegations about Machado's past (and therefore about her credibility).

By the way, at least as of this show, MeAgain still had not breathed a word about Machado's apparently checkered past.

She did take time, though, in the beginning of the segment to praise herself for having attacked Trump on Hillary's #WaronWomen meme at the first Republican debate.

So like, whatever, make sure you tune into MeAgain Kelly to get pissed on and then have her chippily report: "It seems to be raining. Oh, and girls are keen, boys are mean."

But MeAgain Kelly's long-running audition tape to be the first solo female anchor on a (left-wing) network continues rolling along nicely.
Read more here and watch MeAgain video.

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