Thursday, June 09, 2016

Trump and jobs

Steve Reilly reports at USA Today,
Donald Trump casts himself as a protector of workers and jobs, but a USA TODAY NETWORK investigation found hundreds of people – carpenters, dishwashers, painters, even his own lawyers – who say he didn’t pay them for their work.

...the consistent circumstances laid out in those lawsuits and other non-payment claims raise questions about Trump’s judgment as a businessman, and as a potential commander in chief. The number of companies and others alleging he hasn’t paid suggests that either his companies have a poor track record hiring workers and assessing contractors, or that Trump businesses renege on contracts, refuse to pay, or consistently attempt to change payment terms after work is complete as is alleged in dozens of court cases.

...Edward Friel, of the Philadelphia cabinetry company allegedly shortchanged for the casino work, hired a lawyer to sue for the money, said his son, Paul Friel. But the attorney advised him that the Trumps would drag the case out in court and legal fees would exceed what they’d recover.
Read more here.

Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit suggests this for a Trump reply:
So the USA Today — very bad paper, they call it McPaper, but that’s unfair because McDonald’s offers real value, have you tried their dollar menu? Superb! — says I don’t pay my bills. That’s crazy, I’m like the best bill-payer you’ll ever see. I pay bills I haven’t even gotten yet.

But say they’re right, isn’t that what America needs, a guy who knows how to stiff creditors? See you people had the chance to elect Mitt Romney, a turnaround artist, a guy who’s really, really good at taking busted companies and fixing them. But instead you elected Obama, who’s doubled the national debt to $20 trillion, and when you count the unfunded obligations it’s more like 80 or 100 trillion, and America’s never gonna be able to pay all that. Never! We’re only still in business now because the Treasury’s good at stringing people along, and believe me, that’s something I understand too.

So when we go bust — and we will — don’t you want a guy at the helm who can stiff his creditors and still come out smelling like a rose? Of course you do! And that’s me, not Crooked Hillary!

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