Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Owning the identities of American voters

Michael Cavna writes in the Washington Post about comic book writer Scott Adams. Adams is a certified hypnotist, and he believes he understands why Donald Trump is doing so well among GOP voters. He knows psychology, and he knows how to appeal to our emotions. Adams says we are primarily emotional beings, not rational beings. Here are some excerpts from the piece:
Writes Adams: “Identity is always the strongest level of persuasion. The only way to beat it is with dirty tricks or a stronger identity play. … [And] Trump is well on his way to owning the identities of American, Alpha Males, and Women Who Like Alpha Males. Clinton is well on her way to owning the identities of angry women, beta males, immigrants, and disenfranchised minorities.

“If this were poker, which hand looks stronger to you for a national election?”

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