Monday, May 02, 2016

Loving the life that you are actually living right now

At A Holy Experience guest blogger Alexandra Kuykendall writes,
He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, He brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times --

so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. ~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (The Msg)

I ask myself: What can I do in this moment that will make a difference? What can I offer her with what I have right now?

My truest calling as a follower of Jesus is to love God fully and others fully. How much more to show that than giving them my full attention when present with them?

Because this is the place where our lives and God’s purposes intersect.

This one life we’ve been given. How will we use it today?

...It is here in our innermost places that we relish that we are made as image bearers and we live out of that creative genius. It is here that we make our mark on the world — one conversation, one help, one prayer at a time.

...So I look at them honestly, these parts that make up my every day, and I am grateful for the good. And I even work to be grateful for the difficult because I know, though painful, it can shape me for the better. So in all things I give thanks.

...So yes, I want to love these days, hours, minutes I have here and I want to draw closer to the One who breathes life in.

Because I want to know I’ve done my best with this one life when I pass from it to the next.
Read more here.

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