Saturday, March 26, 2016

Pervy vs. Bully

Are we down to Pervy vs. Bully? Washington Times has fired columnist Drew Johnson for tweeting that he knew of the accuracy of claims pertaining to at least two of the five women mentioned in the National Enquirer story about Ted Cruz having five mistresses. Johnson said that an "online media outlet" has had the story for a while, but not yet reporting it. Twitter has pictures of Ted Cruz and Amanda Carpenter showing off temporary tattoos of Winston Churchill on the same day. Someone who calls himself the Avenger posted what is supposedly a transcript of a detective interviewing an "escort" in a trailer park in West Texas. The woman claims to have flown to meet Cruz in Dallas, Houston, and Alexandria, where he allegedly asked her to dress up as a Catholic school girl and a judge.

Twitter users are having a field day on this one.

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