Saturday, March 26, 2016

Amanda Carpenter's sister-in-law confirms Amanda's affair with Cruz

Someone who calls himself or herself "Enforcer for Trump," posted this yesterday on Medium:
The Cruz campaign has yet to respond to the allegations, but a short phone call with the sister in-law of one of the women, after I found her online through use of the White Pages, appears to confirm the allegations.

The woman, whose brother is married to the alleged paramour — who appears on CNN as contributor, said, “It’s true. They were together only a few times.” She added her sister-in-law, “was transfixed by Ted. He has a way of selling ice to an Eskimo.” I asked when the affairs occurred. “Right before Ted’s campaign for Senate,” she said. “They’d get together when Cruz visited DC.” She added, “The whole family knows, everybody knows about this.”

Cruz’s lover is married and has children.

Notice how none of these people ever uses their own names when they post on social media?

Here is Amanda Carpenter appearing on Hannity and Colmes in 2008 discussing the Enquirer's story about John Edwards

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