Monday, January 11, 2016

When our anchors break

Ann Voskamp writes today,
Sometimes when it feels like God’s breaking our anchor — He’s really breaking our idols —- what we were holding on to more than we were holding on to Him.

Sometimes God allows all our anchors to break —- so we know the only unbreakable anchor we have is Him.

...Overwhelming waves can carry you into the open arms and overwhelming love of God.

...Wisdom isn’t a function of considering great amounts of knowledge —

it’s the wise who continually consider the great, steadfast love of God.

...Thanksgiving isn’t only a celebration when good things happen —- thanksgiving is a declaration that God is good no matter what happens. No matter what earthquake hits, no matter what waves loom, no matter what tsunami hit on some unsuspecting day.

Because one day we’re all guaranteed to wake up and it will feel like all our anchors of this world have broke.

...And there can be great calm of His steadfast love that washes over every willing and surrendered soul.

Read more here.

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