Monday, January 11, 2016

Cruz has the support of conservative talk radio

Talk radio seems to be solidifying behind Ted Cruz. Glenn Beck and his cohorts, Pat and Stu, bring to our attention that the establishment seems to be warming up to Donald Trump, the man who has always supported establishment politicians of both parties for help in getting what he wants for his real estate empire. Moreover, Beck points out that polls show that 20 percent of Democrats right now say they would vote for Trump, while 30 percent of Republicans say that under no circumstances would they vote for Trump.

Steve Deace, based in Des Moines, Iowa, points out that no one has been able to make stick any criticisms of Cruz's voting record and principled stands on issues, so they are grasping at the fact that he was born in Canada. Cruz has built a strong organization, and has the support of all the key Iowa conservatives.

It is no secret that Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh like Cruz. All of these talk show hosts, and many others, are conservatives. Trump has no history of standing with conservatives until he spoke out during this campaign against immigration.

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