Sunday, July 19, 2015

Unfair to Neville Chamberlain

Commenter Craig Austin comments on Mark Steyn's piece on The Chamberlain Comparisons.
Chamberlain did not provide a pathway for advanced weaponry for his enemy, he negotiated with an elected head of government, and the German people were not burning the union jack and shouting " death to Britain ". This is worse than sending Kerry/James Taylor response to Charlie Hebdo.

After 6+ years of negotiations with Canada, Obama said it would be dangerous to let Canada build a pipeline, but after 2 years of negotiations, it is safe for Iran to build a nuclear program. Creating jobs and positive change in North America is dangerous, but giving nuclear weapons to Apocalyptic Mullahs is safe. No wonder Justin Trudeau loves this guy.

Steyn replies,
That last point is well taken: the Keystone pipeline has been subjected to a more rigorous inspections regime than the Iranian nuclear program. Because what matters to Obama is preventing Canada getting a pipeline, not Iran getting a bomb.

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