Sunday, July 19, 2015

The best book thread on the internet

The best post I have read today is the Sunday morning book thread by Oregon Muse at Ace of Spades. First he writes about
As Nature Made Him: The Boy Who Was Raised as a Girl by John Colapinto is the account of the tragic case of David Reimer, whose penis was destroyed in a botched circumcision and whose parents followed the advice of psychologist Dr. John Money, who assigned their son a new gender.

...Colapinto's book is credited with helping to accelerate the decline in gender reassignment surgeries performed on infants with congenital malformations or penile loss.

Next the Muse looks at a number of Barry Goldwater books. Remember this ad by the creepy "smug, arrogant, sanctimonious liberal hypocrite" Bill Moyers?.
...back in the day, he was in fact, LBJ's hatchet man, and he took dirty politics and the smear campaign to a whole 'nother level.

Finally, the Muse tells us about Evan Thomas's new book on Richard Nixon, Being Nixon: A Man Divided. which portrays Nixon as
much less the evil mastermind of 1970s caricature - and much more a Jekyll-and-Hyde character constantly at war with himself.

Muse sums up,
Everything has become so politicized, it's going to take many years before honest histories will be able to be written about our time. It will be many years before we get historians who are interested merely in facts and objective analysis without grinding their favorite political axes. If a writer from the liberal tabloid "Newsweak" can publish a book about Richard Nixon without casting him as The Worst Villain In The Universe, maybe that's a start.

Finally, Oregon Muse tells us about a "libertarian noire" book entitled Hard Bite,which is
a novel about a paraplegic vigilante with a hooker girlfriend and a bad attitude who has made it his life's mission to track down hit-and-run drivers and kill them with the help of his capuchin monkey.
Read more here.

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