Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Who is confusing "tingle" with virtue?

Dalrock notes that
Christians are now teaching that God designed women to only be attracted to good Christian men. This new view is taught without controversy because it is so thoroughly accepted.

As I showed recently, secular marriage counselors also believe that a wife’s loss of attraction for her husband is a symptom of his loss of virtue.

We live in a world where a man who fails to generate tingles is seen as contemptible by both feminists and conservatives, by seculars and Christians alike. Aside from a tiny minority, Christians range from outright rejecting biblical teaching on men and women to feeling ambivalent about what the Bible teaches. In this world Heartiste’s greatest challenge to modern moral sensibilities isn’t his celebration of the tingle, but instead his (modern Christian and secular) heretical assertion that generating the tingle isn’t the ultimate sign of virtue in a man.
Read more here.

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