Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A letter to the Pope

If you were to write a letter to the Pope, what might be some of the thoughts you would share with him? The News Junkie at Maggie's Farm would include these:
Were I to dare to write a note to His Holiness, it would include some phrases like these:

...putting aside your concerns about nature and the weather, which I think the Creator may control in some way which is beyond our comprehension...

...instead of trying to be an amateur meteorologist or amateur economist, why not focus on Christ and His offer of salvation? That's what people need.

...if money is one of your major interests in this transient earthly existence, one constructive path of inquiry would be to focus on and to promote what makes people prosperous instead of blaming others...not that has anything to do with your job or your expertise, but the sources of prosperity and material abundance are well-understood...while the sources of religious abundance always need instruction, guidance, support and help.

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