Monday, December 08, 2014

"We can't do anything!"

John Derbyshire laments that we now live in a country that "can't do anything." We are leaving Afghanistan after losing 3,481 coalition casualties and $1,000,000,000,000 dollars. The enemy, the Taliban, is stronger than ever. The Taliban is based in Pakistan, so we can't do anything?
“If youth only knew: if age only could,” say the French. Darn right. When you’re young you’ll tackle anything. Every experience is a first fine careless rapture. With age comes hesitation, then passivity, then incapacity.

Whatever we once were, we no longer are. Whatever vigor we once had now hangs limp and useless.

I am dreaming of a U.S.A. that can do things: deport illegals, shoot looters, win wars. It’s pure nostalgia, of course. We can’t do stuff like that today. We can’t do anything.
Read more here.

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